
Guangzhou ziqiang auto parts co. LTD
Category: Company News
Date: 2017-06-29
Click: 12974
Author: 佚名
Source: Company News
Guangzhou ziqiang auto parts co., LTD was founded in 1982. Located at the southern end of China and the national economic and technological development zone of guangzhou city, guangdong province, 23 innovation avenue. It covers an area of 30000 squar

Guangzhou ziqiang auto parts co., LTD was founded in 1982. Located at the southern end of China and the national economic and technological development zone of guangzhou city, guangdong province, 23 innovation avenue. It covers an area of 30000 square meters and employs more than 200 employees. Company specializing in the research and manufacture all kinds of spring and spring production line equipment and molding equipment, products are widely used in automobile, motorcycle, engineering machinery, household appliances, toys and all kinds of plastic hardware products, etc...

Previous: Scientific and technological advance, quality is the basis, continuous improvement, customer satisfa
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